Sunday, November 7, 2010

Are You Due A Refund?

Hawkin' Books on
Larry King Live
A few weeks ago, I saw Jenny McCarthy on the Larry King Show. Oddly enough, she wasn’t talking about her son’s autism or his miraculous “cure”, she wasn’t selling a book on autism, she wasn’t talking about the medical community, diets or the CDC. She was talking about the break up of her relationship with Jim Carrey. Of course, she was selling a book about their relationship and break-up. (As if that is interesting to anyone but them…) After a moment or two of listening to the discussion, I turned the channel to something more interesting; Women’s International Curling or something like that...

 The next day, I told my wife about Jenny McCarthy being on Larry King’s Show and she said that Jenny McCarthy had recently appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Once again there was no mention of her son’s autism, his “cure” or anything remotely associated with autism. This has me thinking, what is Jenny McCarthy really known for? Sure, she is often introduced as an actress, comedian and activist but really, what is she known for? The answer, for me at least, is autism advocacy. I couldn’t tell you any movie that would qualify her as an actress, though I know she must have been in a movie(s).  Like many "actresses", I know she posed for PlayBoy Magazine. However, her bread and butter over the past several years has been autism; Autism advocacy and book sales. Her very public crusade against vaccines, and in favor of nontraditional therapies and diets have had an enormous influence on parents and caregivers. Her claims that her son was “cured” of autism sparked both controversy and hope for countless families. So why is it that she has been avoiding the topic that she has adopted as her standard for the past several years?

According to LBRB Autism News Science and Opinion,, Jenny McCarthy's son may never have had autism.
Did You Buy This Book?...or any
of her other books?
It is not even certain that her child ever had autism; neurologists have pointed out that her description of the symptoms, and recovery, are more consistent with a rare disorder, Landau-Kleffner Syndrome. Ms. McCarthy may thus be trumpeting a “cure” for a disease of which she has no parental experience.”

If this true, do you think Ms. McCarthy has any responsibility or obligation to address this with the public? Should she have to address this huge gaff with all the "Warrior Moms" out there whom she encouraged to avoid vaccinating their children? How about refunding the money from all of the books and "expert" advice she's been pedaling for the past few years? How about an acknowledgement to the medical community that she was dealing with another disability other than autism so, "never mind" all the things that were said.

If this is true, how about doing us all a favor and going into a self-imposed exile from the spotlight. No more Larry King, no more Oprah, no more books, no tours and hold on to your "expert" advice. Take the millions you've made off of your books and drop out of site.

What a wasted opportunity. To have the pulpit and waste it on speculation, misinformation, finger-pointing and so-called "cures" based upon a mis-diagnosis. It angers me that people who have an opportunity to really help those in need use it as a way to make money and be famous. I guess it is better press to accuse the medical community of conspiring to hurt our children rather than to advocate for special education reform or innovative strategies to assimilate young adults with ASD into our labor force. It's much easier to sell books that tell of "cures" and of ways to "reverse" the affects of autism than to sell books about the need to increase the number of people entering the fields of special education, occupational and speech therapy. A totally squandered opportunity to make strides for countless individuals and families.

Give ME the pulpit for a minute. The focus would be on our family and loved one's future and not on the past. The focus would be on assimilation and education not on blame and conspiracy. The focus would be on helping our loved ones achieve their individual level of self-reliance not on selling miracle cures and books.
Stick With What You Do Best
"Warrior Mom"
Jenny McCarthy ought to be ashamed but obviously none of this is an issue for her. If it were, she wouldn't be showing up on the talk show circuit, again.


Jennifer Sullivan said...

Well said!

Mimi said...

I totally agree. I am a retired Early Childhood Teacher and the most rewarding moments in my career were those when a child with special needs had what I called a "defining moment" in my regular ed. classroom. It meant I was doing what I was supposed to be doing to give that child what s/he needed at that time. Forgive me for running on, but this is a special topic for me.

Danielle's Dad said...

Thank you Mimi...and Thank You for your dedication to our children. Teachers really are the backbone of our society and until we recognize that and start working on fixing our educational system, we're in deep trouble.