Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Conspiracy Theorist

Have you ever noticed that people who believe in one conspiracy theory usually believe in most conspiracy theories? Ever met a skeptical conspiracy theorist? Ever met anyone who'll say, "I've experienced alien abduction, but the whole Bigfoot legend is a hoax."? No- it'll never happen. Why, you ask? I don't know, just the nature of the beast, I guess.

Everyone I've ever met who believes there was a gunman on the grassy knoll also believes the government has alien space craft at Area 51, the World Trade Center was an "inside job" and the lunar landing was staged in a sound studio. Did you know that there really is a cure for cancer but they don't want you to know because the pharmaceutical companies are making too much money? These theorist always believe the masses have been duped and that they are amongst the chosen few who have the real scoop on what's happening. Somehow, there are these huge "secrets" out there that most people just aren't bright enough or inquisitive enough to figure out. I'm sorry but I have a hard time believing in major secrets being held by a select few. Frankly, I believe in the old mafia credo, "the only way three people can keep a secret is if two of them are dead."

Why am I ranting on conspiracy theorist? I am ranting on conspiracy theorist because they waste huge amounts of time and energy on conjecture, rumor, speculation and half-truths. Often times their waste of time become a waste of time for countless others. You see them on TV and in articles going on and on about things that have little or no fact to support them.  

Why should this bother me and what does it have to do with this blog? It bothers me because for years I have listened to the "debate" about vaccines and their relationship to ASD. I've listened to the"expert" parent(s) who have read a few articles and all of the sudden they know more than a doctor who spent 4 years of college and another 4 years in medical school and residency. Years listening to the debate, to the theory that the medical community was giving our children autism through vaccines. No facts to make the connection, just  the "belief"; it could be the "dangerous cocktail of antibodies" our children are receiving during early vaccinations or it probably is the preservatives used by the manufacturers of the vaccine, maybe it's mercury...

So, what scientific proof do the theorist offer? What solutions do the conspiracy theorist provide? The answer the conspiracy theorist come up with to address this nightmarish government/medical/drug company collaborative experiment is to tell all parents not to vaccinate their children. Think about that, telling parents not to trust their doctors and avoid vaccinating their children....Now think about this, have you ever once heard a trained MD say you shouldn't vaccinate your children due to her/his concerns about vaccines? If there was a connection between the vaccines and ASD do you really think the medical community could keep that quiet? Not a chance. Not when autism is a worldwide epidemic. Not with the Nobel Prize awaiting the person who can find the answer to one of the world's most perplexing disabilities.

Conspiracy theorist just suck all of the air from the rest of us.

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